Thursday, December 22, 2016

Which one is your favorite

First day of Clashmas!

Hello clasher it's already the first day of Clashmas.. As we get the first present supercell has given us the Santa's spell and everybody's beloved 1 Gem Resource boost..   You can gem every collector,  mine and drill for 1 gem each for a whole week...  Stay tuned for more surprises..  Clash on! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New things coming at Clashmas event!

● Santa Surprise Spell (19.000 Elixir)
● Ice Wizard (1500 Elixir)
● Freeze Trap (12.500 Gold)
Stay Classhy! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Special spell

Reddit users have found footprints of a special spell in latest update...  The spell was here before two years ago as Xmas special and is expected come again this year... The spell was called Santa spell with very big damage..  This year it is also expected to have some special abilities..

All about the Hog Rider special event

Hello crashers..  The Ho ho hoog Rider event is now live in CoC..  You can utilize great discount at training hog riders and can earn great reward...  All you have to do is use at least 10 hog riders in a raid and win 3 raids by using 10 hogs each, by completing this task you will get 30 free gems and 300 xp..  Hurry up train your hogs and crush some bases..  Stay classhy! 

New trap coming

 Howdy clashhers! 
It looks like after all recent troop buffs supercell is bringing a new trap in clash of clans..  Guys at reddit found this in latest update apk file which looks like a freeze trap. It will have an effect of freezing the fallen troop just like a freeze spell for a short amount of time.. Allowing other defense buildings to kill that unit...  Looks good... 

New Troop coming to Clash of Clans

Good news crashers...  People at reddit has extracted some hidden files from latest update and it looks like our favorite Ice Wizard is finally coming to Clash of clans.
It is expected that the new ice Wizard will use dark elixir to train....
And it will have a freezing effect like the freeze spell...  Less damage then regular wizard but it will freeze the enemy units and buildings when he hits.
Stay tuned for more exciting news!